Home » Agreement Details » Georg-August-Universitat Göttingen (Germany, Göttingen)

Georg-August-Universitat Göttingen (Göttingen, Germany)
Erasmus Code Agreement Type Start Datetime/End Datetime Agreement Date Area Code ISCED Code Is active? Web E-mail Map
Georg-August-Universitat Göttingen -- 2014-2025 06-02-2014 0223 Yes http://www.uni-goettingen.de - Show on Map

Faculty and Department Information
# Faculty/School Department Coordinator Details
1 Faculty of Letters ** All departments ** Foreign Coordinators | Local Coordinators

Applicant Notes
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse a velit quis ligula aliquet dictum. Fusce quis ultricies risus. Sed lacinia luctus libero, eu egestas dui suscipit at. Aliquam in dignissim diam. Nulla nec elementum massa. Praesent aliquet molestie odio, et fermentum magna convallis eu. Morbi in orci sit amet velit tincidunt pulvinar ut in enim. Aliquam a metus nec lorem pellentesque gravida eget sed diam. Maecenas luctus tortor et urna viverra lacinia. Sed convallis leo vehicula ornare sodales. Quisque feugiat gravida porta.<br /> <br /> Quisque ullamcorper leo at purus viverra, vel lobortis neque gravida. Nulla semper, mi eget vestibulum condimentum, nunc quam molestie nulla, a auctor lacus justo ut tellus. In suscipit pellentesque malesuada. Etiam sed tincidunt lorem, in ultrices velit. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Quisque at imperdiet nunc, eget tempor nisi. Vivamus orci sem, ultricies ac lacinia non, accumsan a turpis. Sed varius, mi vehicula ultricies mattis, tortor lectus mattis arcu, scelerisque varius ipsum nibh sed neque.

Quota Information
  Gazi University » Georg-August-Universitat Göttingen Georg-August-Universitat Göttingen » Gazi University  
Two-year degree--  
Bachelor1 (6 Ay)1 (6 Ay)  
Two-year degree--  
Akademik Personel
İdari Personel

University Coordinator Information

Web -

Recommended Language Skills
Gazi University Georg-August-Universitat Göttingen
# Language of instruction Recommended level Certificate Required? Language of instruction Recommended level Certificate Required?
1 Turkish B1 - Threshold - German B2 - Vantage -
2 English B1 - Threshold - English B2 - Vantage -

Gazi University Georg-August-Universitat Göttingen
# Language of instruction Recommended level Certificate Required? Language of instruction Recommended level Certificate Required?
1 Turkish B1 - Threshold - German B2 - Vantage -
2 English B1 - Threshold - English B2 - Vantage -

Additional Requirements
Gazi University Georg-August-Universitat Göttingen

Academic Calendar
Gazi University Georg-August-Universitat Göttingen
Website Address:
Website Address:

Applications/information on nominated students must reach the receiving institution by:
Gazi University Georg-August-Universitat Göttingen
Autumn term 01 Haziran Autumn term 31 Mayıs
Spring term 01 Kasım Spring term 30 Kasım

Following the receipt of the paper application (printed online application), AUTH will send its decision within x-y weeks.
Gazi University Georg-August-Universitat Göttingen
The receiving institution will send its decision within 4 weeks.
Transcript of Records will be issued by the receiving institution no later than X weeks after the assessment period has finished at the receiving HEI.
Gazi University Georg-August-Universitat Göttingen
6 weeks.
Termination of the agreement
In case of termination a notice of at least one academic year should be given. This means that a unilateral decision to discontinue the exchanges notified to the other party by 1 September of one academic year will only take effect as of 1 September of the following academic year. The termination clauses must include the following disclaimer: "Neither the European Commission nor the National Agencies can be held responsible in case of a conflict."

Course Catalogue
Gazi University Georg-August-Universitat Göttingen
Website Address:
Website Address:

Grading systems of the institutions
Gazi University Georg-August-Universitat Göttingen
Website Address:
Website Address:
H.U. Grades for
outgoing students ECTS grade % of successful students
normally achieving the grade Definition
A1 A 10 Excellent: outstanding performance with only minor errors
A3 B 25 Very Good: above the average standard but with some errors
B2 C 30 Good: generally sound work with a number of notable errors
C1 D 25 Satisfactory: fair but with significant shortcomings
C3 E 10 Sufficient: performance meets the minimum criteria
F3 FX Fail: some more work required before the credit can be awarded
F3 F Fail: considerable further work is required

H.U. Grades for
incoming students ECTS grade % of successful students
normally achieving the grade Definition
A1 - A2 A 10 Excellent: outstanding performance with only minor errors
A3 - B1 B 25 Very Good: above the average standard but with some errors
B2 - B3 C 30 Good: generally sound work with a number of notable errors
C1 - C2 D 25 Satisfactory: fair but with significant shortcomings
C3 - D E 10 Sufficient: performance meets the minimum criteria
F3 FX Fail: some more work required before the credit can be awarded
F3 F Fail: considerable further work is required

Gazi University Georg-August-Universitat Göttingen
Website Address:
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Contact Details:
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Gazi University Georg-August-Universitat Göttingen
Website Address:
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Gazi University Georg-August-Universitat Göttingen
Website Address:
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Signatures of the Institutions (Legal Representatives)
Name, function details
Gazi University Georg-August-Universitat Göttingen